Higher Secondary Education

Nurturing Growth and Curiosity in Primary Grades, Classes 1 to 5.

Comprehensive Education

Enriching Extracurriculars

To prepare each child to blend into any walk of life.

Expert Educators

Cultivating Excellence with Specialized Instruction

Convenient Timings

Maximizing Learning Potential with Flexible Timetables


The Higher Secondary is the final stage of schooling and the first step towards the beginning of future career building for every child.  Career Guidance Programs are organized by the school every year to provide timely and extensive guidance to the student community by Real-World Professionals with regard to their future course of study and the existing job market. In addition, as they get ready to leave high school and head straight to college, students receive training in professionalism. This helps them prepare for their future. Additionally, the curriculum emphasizes kids’ emotional, intellectual, social, physical, and creative growth. They are instructed to investigate, inquire, confront, assess, and analyze before assimilating the knowledge they learn. Students are nurtured in a collaborative and courteous environment, and active participation in all academic activities is encouraged. 

Growth-Focused Learning

Pressure free and performance based study environment is provided to the children. Individual attention is given extensively and as and when required.

Expansive Learning Landscape

The school provides the students with ample opportunities to engage themselves in a wide variety of activities and educational programs, both literary and otherwise.

Cultural Heritage in Young Minds

The school believes in instilling sound moral values in the young minds to build up a good society. The teaching is not limited to the subjects. Moral instructions and general knowledge imparted aim at teaching children discipline, improving character and healthy Indian tradition and culture.

Available Groups

Math, Physics,
Chemistry & Biology

Math, Physics,
Chemistry , Computer Science

Math, Physics,
Chemistry , Biochemistry

Math, Physics,
Chemistry, Communicative English

Math, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology & Biochemistry

Math, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science

Math, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, Biochemistry,
Communicative English

Commerce, Economics,
Accountancy, Business Math

Commerce, Economics,
Accountancy, Computer Science

Accountancy, Commerce,
Economics, Communicative English

Accountancy, Commerce,
Economics, Political Science

Accountancy, Commerce,
Economics, Advanced Language

History, Economics,
Geography, Political Science

History, Economics,
Geography, Computer Science

State Board Syllabus




Sanskrit (available as 2nd Languages)

German (available as 2nd Languages)

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